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Fall Wonders


I love my seasons. If I don’t get four, I feel slightly cheated. Still, of all the times of year, Autumn is by far my favorite and most productive. It has been since I was a little girl.

I’ll admit it, heat has never been my thing. It makes me want to sit inside in the air conditioning and eat ice cream. I realize that this puts me in the minority, but I would rather snow shoe up a mountain than lay out on the beach. (Anyone who has ready Before I Disappear will probably not be surprised by this.) Even as a kid, I loved summer more in theory than in practice. Maybe that’s because, as a military brat, summer generally meant movers, and boxes, and saying goodbye to friends I had just recently made but already couldn’t live without.

A generally outdoorsy person, I absolutely love it when the air starts to cool, and the leaves start to change. It signals to me a time of long sleeve t shirts, apple cider, and wood smoke in the air. Fall is a season of energy, and change and beauty. And this year it comes just in time. I am currently finishing up the draft of my latest project (another ya sci-fi in the vein of BID), and I am hoping that my power months will help see me through to the end. And if I don't finish by next month, there's always nanowrimo around the corner!

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